Katy Torch

"Changing Hearts, Transforming Lives, Impacting the World"

Volunteer for the Weekend

"I needed cloths and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." (Matthew 25:36)

  • 2-1/2 day weekend ministry (Friday evening thru Sunday)
  • Team Meetings (preparation for the Weekend)
  • Clergy and Lay volunteers
  • Volunteer application and selection (Contact us)

Attend the Closing Ceremony

Kairos and Christian communities are welcome to attend the joyful celebration with song, affirmation and prayer. The youth participants are able to share the most important thing learned during the Weekend and tell how that could change their life.

  • Sunday afternoon of the Weekend
  • Sign-up to attend
  • Download HCJPD Form to Attend. 
  • Adhere to Institution guidelines


Lives can be forever changed and restored to the kingdom of God through prayer for Participants and team of the Katy Torch Weekend.  The first name of all individuals praying for the Weekend is added to a paper chain that will surround the community room and Participants as a visual message that people care.

  • Commit to pray for the Weekend

Love (Agape)

God's unconditional love is expressed through tangible signs of Agape, in the form of letters, posters, prayer chain, cookies and other expressions from the volunteers, community churches, caring individuals and other entities supporting Torch.

  • Letters and Posters contain messages from your heart about Jesus' love for the participants, and may include Bible verses, and should include your first name, church name or group name. Contact Agape Coordinator.


The Kairos Torch mentoring relationship is conducted in a group setting with one to one mentor/mentee pairs meeting weekly for mentoring sessions. All mentoring sessions are facilitated with the use of the approved Kairos Torch Mentor's Guide.  The lessons are relevant to the growth and development of the youth while residing in the youth facility, but are pertinent to developing holistic life skills once they leave the institution. Contact Outreach Coordinator.